The men of Kappa Alpha Psi taking a knee for change during the NPHC rally on Sunday.

The men of Kappa Alpha Psi taking a knee for change during the NPHC rally on Sunday.

Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, including the Tampa Alumni Chapter, showed up in numbers at a peaceful protest, march and rally for equality, justice and fairness. It was organized by Tampa’s National Pan Hellenic Council. Family, friends and supporters of Divine 9’s organizations took part in the rally held Sunday at Curtis Hixon Park in Tampa.

Brothers sending a message during the NPHC Rally in Tampa on Sunday.
Kappas taking a pause during the NPHC Peace Protest rally on Sunday.

Tampa Alumni’s Ed Narain was a speaker during the protest that hoped to continue to shed light on the recent murders of blacks by police and lead the charge for change of the racial climate and inequality in today’s world.


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